Thoughts from our experts
We aim to lift, empower and inspire others. Here you can find expert advice from the Primal team to guide your strength journey. Our Thoughts from Our Experts provides everything from training advice from our athletes, insights from our product teams to stories from our community to inspire you.

The Stoltman Brothers Join The Primal Team
Having worked with the brothers back in 2018 when they first opened the Stoltman Strength Centre we are proud to have Tom and Luke Stoltman as part of the Primal team. Primal’ s mission is to equip every body to discover their true potential whether first-time lifters or fit-for-lifers.
The Stoltman Brothers Join The Primal Team
Having worked with the brothers back in 2018 when they first opened the Stoltman Strength Centre we are proud to have Tom and Luke Stoltman as part of the Primal team. Primal’ s mission is to equip every body to discover their true potential whether first-time lifters or fit-for-lifers.